(no subject)

Jun 21, 2009 20:50

Taken Characters
Player Contact - Locked
Cabin Assignments
Friends Add/Remove

♣ Frequently Asked Questions ♣

♠ Where are we?
You are on the resort island of Acairnia. The island is roughly 2,000 square miles, but only a few miles of beach front property are accessible to the residents, for now. The ocean is uncharted and no ships, planes or any other form of transportation are available.

♠ Umm, okay, how do I start rping?
Well, when your character first arrives, he/she steps off the elevator in the Main Office. Directly across from that elevator is the service desk, which will "magically" have upon it your characters "survival kit", previously mentioned in the game premise. They will not be able to make an entry until they activate their PDA, which is to simply turn it on. You may post for your character there at the desk, or you may post when your character finds his/her assigned room, or wherever you'd like them to be. Flesh it out, however, as your first post will more than likely be heard by everyone on the island.

♠ Can my character die?
Yes, your character can die. (We also refer you to this bit of information, as well.) Characters which have been killed or have died on the island will be allowed to "come back" only during the night cycle, when the island is "awake", per se. There are reasons for this, which will be revealed in due time as part of the plot. If your character has been killed or died, please contact the mods and we'll organize when would be the best time for your pup to be revitalized.

He/she will awaken in their own bed, but will retain their knowledge of previous events. Which means that yes, they will remember their death and events preceding it.

♠ Can I lock character entries so no one else can see them?
You can if you wish, but it'll be deucedly hard to rp that way. However, you may make private character-to-character entries if you wish, but remember that this is still an Ethernet network and is not totally iron-clad against anyone who might take it in their head to go a'hackin' the system.

♠ How many characters can I have?
You may have as many as seven (7). That includes fandom characters and originals. However, you may only have two (2) characters from the same fandom and for each original character you play, you must have one fandom character, as well. Nevertheless, the mods might up the character limit in the future, so the number might change later. Another note: be reasonable in the number of characters you reserve/apply. If you're having problems finding time to play with one or two characters, don’t reserve four more and expect to keep up. Know your limits.

♠ Can we leave?
Leaving the island is also strongly discouraged. While guests may swim and enjoy the beautiful sea as they will, it is not advisable to be in or on the water after the sun goes down. Once the alarm sounds, the darkest of sailors' tales (and worse, yet untold) come to life beneath the waves. Also, venturing deeper into the jungle has its hazards, as well. The majority of the island is yet uncharted and more than likely holds horrors from the deepest darkest nightmares. It is very wise to recall that the only safety lies in the main office or each residential room.

♠ Okay, so what is the "journaling system" like?
Each character is given a small PDA-like device that utilizes voice, text and video posting. However, video posts will not be allowed during the night cycle. The island's dark aura will sap any sort of electrical device, rendering it unable to handle such a massive transfer of information. Text and voice entries will still work...most of the time.

Please be sure to place any and all images under a Livejournal cut. (Text links in posts are do not have to be cut.) The PDA's are portable and quite sturdy, but they can be broken or cracked, so take care with it. Replacements are hard to come by.

♠ Who else is here on the island?
Well, the residents, of course. And the General Manager, who is always heard but never seen except on vid for announcements.

And then there's the friendly resort staff bustling about to ensure the guests have everything they need to enjoy their stay. They keep the shops stocked, prepare meals in the restaurants and perform general maintenance to the resort to keep it pristine and beautiful. You can talk to them if you like, but as they don't speak any known language, they'll more than likely just smile and nod while going about their duties.

There are a few locals (NPC's played by the mods) who crop up now and then. A few are controlled by the moderators (Jocabo, Agabail) while others (the beach bunnies or roosters) are player controlled as they like. Just remember, the player controlled NPC's are there primarily for filler and fodder, so don't get too heavily involved.

♠ OMG, the resort staff tried to eat me last night! Can I kill them, please??
While it is highly unlikely that our friendly staff would ever do anything to displease our guests during daylight hours, please understand that any actions taken against them during this time will severely limit the enjoyment to be had in Acairnia. They are here to see to your every whim, after all. Any guest who attempts to harm a staff member will have their card key revoked, along with all funds and resort privileges. This includes shelter after dark. Also, anyone who attempts to help a resident guilty of this transgression, such as offer shelter or aid of any sort, will suffer the same fate.

♠ What the hell! Agabail stole some of my stuff! Will I get it back and can I kill her for sneaking into my room?
Don't worry, the General Manager will see that you get back what was stolen. He just can't guarantee when. You see, Agabail is very adept at hiding and keeping out of sight. She loves to play these little jokes on residents; it keeps her busy and out of the staff's way. If you do become her victim, don't worry; the General Manager will let you know when you may come pick up whatever it was she filched. And unfortunately, residents are prohibited from seeking retaliation; Agabail is, alas, a part of the Acairnia staff and the same rules apply to her, as well.

♠ What about characters' powers and abilities? Will they still have them here?
Yes, but despite their canon abilities, each character will be severely reduced due to the dark aura that flows through the island. For example, if your character can read the minds of others, here on Acairnia they would only hear a whisper every so often. Another example: if your character can summon a firestorm, here they would be able to light a campfire. You get the idea. This also applies to healing or regenerative abilities as well.

♠ What about items and equipment?
Your character arrives in Acairnia with whatever they were carrying with them at the time. For instance, if they had weapons, materia and a pack of gum in a pocket, all of the above would arrive with them. However, all items magical or curative in nature will be severely hampered by the dark aura surrounding the island, the same as the character's abilities and powers. Any magical weapons would be affected as well. Another note is that there is no ammunition or weaponry for sale on the island. So if your character needs bullets, they will be unavailable to purchase, however, the character may leave a request at the front desk for anything needed. It might be granted, or it might not.

♠ Are Original Characters allowed?
Yes, they are. But they will be carefully scrutinized by the moderators when they begin to interact with the other residents. Original characters do not have to reserve before applying, but please make sure to note in the application that the character is an original. Another note: if your character is an original character from an existing fandom, please realize that the canon characters on the island will more than likely have not recognize your OC. Play it out and built from scratch.

♠ My character is a villain/bad guy/all around asshole; will he be spared when night falls?
No. As far as the island is concerned, every resident is fair game.

♠ Can we kill the monsters trying to eat us?
That's probably a good idea. Most monsters attack in swarms or groups and will keep coming until daylight. Each character - if they are capable - may slaughter as much as they like, but keep in mind that most of the baddies are probably three or four "levels" higher than your character. They are tough, hungry and bad-tempered, and won't go down without a hard fight once they have scented prey. Occasionally there will be unkillable monsters that attack, but the mods will let you know when/if that's the case.

♠ OMG, I found this cute little monster hiding under a bush! Can I name it and keep it as a pet?
Unfortunately not. All monsters on the island are taken from the bestiary only. Muns are not to add any new baddies to the island whatsoever. Believe us, there will be plenty of things to keep residents on their toes.

♠ Can I invite another character to my room?
Of course. It's probably a good idea to make friends quickly.

♠ Um, my character isn't exactly 'social'...
Not a problem. As long as your character posts in his/her journal, posts at least five comments in another characters journal, and/or participates in one log a month, you're golden. However, activity checks are done at the mods' discretion, so it's a good idea to check back regularly.

♠ Woah, the mods operate the monsters? How does that work?
Visit this post and it will explain it for you. We try to make things interesting and not just have muns NPC everything. ;)

♠ FAQ's will be updated as needed. If you have any other questions, please leave them in a comment here and a moderator will answer as soon as possible.

frequently asked questions

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