Info and Game Premise

May 19, 2009 22:15

♣ Daytime Information ♣

♠ Acairnia is a glorious island paradise. Its beautiful beaches and resort offer the very finest of island living. The staff is friendly and very dedicated to keeping the resort clean and operational for the residents.

♠ Each character arrives at Acairnia via the lobby elevator of the Main Office. Upon arrival, each resident is directed to the front desk, where they find a small travel kit containing their Welcome Pamphlet, a small PDA device and a card key labeled with their assigned cabin and room. Also in their travel kit is a small container of clear liquid marked "HW" and a medium sized bucket of plain ordinary salt.

♠ During the daylight hours, residents are free to wander where they will. Acairnia Resort offers a wide variety of activities; there are two large swimming pools, one on the north side and another on the southern end. Just a short walk down the boardwalk to the west is the beach, a long line of glistening white sand and warm tropical water in which to frolic, swim or just lie on the beach and enjoy the sun. For the nature lovers, the resort offers a shady, winding jungle path, beginning here and circling the resort before ending near the Main Office. There is also a large jacuzzi near the beach for the residents' enjoyment. Food shops, the main cafeteria/restaurant, gift vendors and other odds and ends are located in the middle of the resort, the Commons. Residents are also encouraged to participate in volleyball games, poker tournaments and other recreational activities set up by the General Manager; information is distributed at varying times in the Main Office's Information Center.

♠ The key each resident receives unlocks two doors. The door to their assigned cabin and their specific bedroom. Each resident has their own room, but share a bathroom with their suitemate. Every cabin follows the same design and are furnished alike; a living areacomplete with television and entertainment center, kitchen with fully operational appliances if residents wish to prepare their own meals and house whatever snacks they fancy, a small sitting room for each suite in the vanity area, as well as two sets of washing machines and dryers (the resort provides residents with detergent, bleach and dryer sheets).

♠ For more details on the resort's several locations, please go here.

♣ When the Sun Goes Down... ♣

♠ The face of Acairnia changes dramatically (and dangerously) when the sun finally sinks below the western horizon. Where once was a paradise of heavenly proportions now resides a nightmare worthy of the underpits of Hell. Dangers roam the jungle island of Acairnia, running amok among the once-lovely resort. Demons, wraiths, werewolves, vampires, wailing spirits and other horrors manifest in the darkness, for it is indeed the Devil's Own Playground and every resident on the island is wise to fear for both life and sanity.

♠ Every day/night cycle, a siren begins to blare, klaxoning a warning that the gate has been opened and the monsters - whichever they may be - have been unleashed. At that time, all residents are highly encouraged to take refuge in whatever sanctuary they wish, for any caught outside such consecrated places are in grave danger. The Main Office is one such place, and each residential room is another, as those doors will lock securely after the siren falls silent. However, those locks have been known to fail upon occasion...

♠ After sundown, every resident of Acairnia is at risk. The staff does not linger after dusk, nor will the General Manager respond to any happenings. Also, try not to be surprised if a few of the slathering monsters seem eerily familiar. The staff members have to eat, too...

♠ Unfortunately for the residents, day and night cycles can be erratic. The siren can blare at any moment and is all the warning the residents will receive. This is not to deter guests from enjoying their time spent at the resort, but simply a nuance of which to be aware. There have also been instances where the day cycle has lasted for a number of hours, sometimes exceeding a week or more. Alas, this has also proved true for the night cycle, as well.

♠ However, when the sun arrives again, all damage done during the daylight hours will be immediately repaired, once more rendering Acairnia Resort the paragon of beauty it was before. Residents are expected to handle any wounds received during the night hours with their own resources, as the medical offices of the resort are unprepared to handle such emergencies.

♣ Weapons, Magic and Abilities ♣

♠ While the staff realizes that many of the residents of Acairnia might have weapons and the like in their possession, there is no ammunition or weaponry of any sort on the island. The General Manager is also authorized to confiscate whatever weapons that might pose a problem here on the island.

♠ Residents are welcome to try to make what they need, if possible, and fashioning any sort of defensive item they feel necessary. So if your character needs bullets, they will be unavailable to purchase, however, the character may leave a request at the front desk for anything needed. It might be granted, or it might not.

♠ All items magical or curative in nature will be severely hampered by the dark aura surrounding the island, the same as the character's abilities and powers. Any magical weapons would be affected as well.

♠ Any natural, learned or granted abilities are also severely limited due to the dark forces on the island. For instance, if your character can summon a thunderstorm, he/she might get a small cloud of rain. Or if your character is canonically able to teleport great distances, he/she might teleport a few feet from where he/she started and ect.

♣ Non-Playable Characters ♣

♠ The General Manager of Acairnia Resort also gives information at random intervals. Also, the Main Office at times offers pamphlets and newsletters concerning the nocturnal activities of the island, therefore residents are highly encouraged to take note of this information flow.

♠ There are also a few locals who call Acairnia Resort home. One such local is Jocabo, a fisherman who makes his home just up the beach in a cabin about a mile from the resort. Residents are not allowed to visit there, but if they should chance seeing Jocabo fishing, they are more than welcome to chat, as he loves to meet and greet the residents of Acairnia Resort. (Jocabo is controlled by the mods and will make random appearances every so often. Characters are encouraged to interact with him as he can be a great source of information about the island.)

♠ Oh, and please don't mind
Agabail. She's really quite harmless, but she does have a tendency to creep into residents' rooms and make off with a few items at times. She is especially intrigued by any magical or enchanted valuables, but the General Manager will ensure that they are returned to their rightful soon as he can catch her. She's very adept at hiding. (Agabail is also mod-controlled and is very hard to interact with, since she will watch very closely to see when her target leaves his/her room. Residents will not be able to catch her, confront her, or otherwise chastise her unless a mod gives approval. Don't worry, you'll get your stuff back. :) )

♠ And of course, and let's not forget the original residents, shall we? After all, they were here first. For information on how they interact with the island's guests, please read this entry.

♠ For more information and questions, please see the FAQ.

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