"So, even though I got a C on this quiz, can I still get an A in the class?"

Mar 02, 2006 21:59

I got an unexpected chuckle tonight while watching CSI.

Two of the detectives went to a college dorm to question a victim's roommate, wondering why he hadn't notified anyone that victim had been missing for two weeks. After explaining that victim frequently disappeared for long periods of time, spent all of his time stoned, and was generally a distracting pain in the ass, he then turned to the detectives with this priceless speech: "So, there's a rumor around campus that if your roommate dies, you get an automatic 4.0. Uh, do you guys know who I could talk to about that?"

Oh, the disgusted, incredulous looks on their faces... The sad thing is, I could imagine some of my undergrads doing exactly the same thing. I've been bitching about the grade-grubbing little cherubs all week, and this scene was perhaps funnier to me than it was to the average viewer.


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