Listing interview talks on CVs - an ethical dilemma...

Dec 01, 2009 15:04

...or just pointing at another elephant in the living room?

Interesting blog post from FSP:

"On CVs, it is common to include a list of invited talks given at other universities, research labs, professional organizations, or companies...Should you include interview talks? You don't have to indicate them as such of course, but should you even list them with other invited talks? Some of my colleagues think this is unethical, but I don't see a problem. An invited talk is an indication that a place is interested in your research, whether it be just for a visit or for consideration for hiring. Why not list the places that invited you to give talks, for whatever reason? Am I missing something re. the ethics of this?" -

Personal note: This has an added frisson of relevance for a couple of colleagues, since they've unexpectedly found themselves in the unofficial "pre-Christmas transfer window" this term, and may well find your thoughts on the matter useful.

Follow-up: FSP has jokingly updated her own CV, based upon some of the comments prompted by the original blog post...

Follow-up 2: And, in a move some are already describing as "dangerously monomaniacal", FSP has revisited the subject again. Today (13th of January, 2010):

job market, blogging, cv-questions, etiquette-and-ethics

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