so a three hour nap after work and some youtube later, i finally feel almost human again. i've got to lay off the crafting.
right now i am in my bed in boxers and knee socks. BOXERS AND SOCKS! bats on the boxers, stars on the socks. what an alluringly alliterative ensemble. not to mention the rhyming. life is pretty damn wonderful right now. kind of surprising, isn't it?
here's another thing that is wonderful. videos of hungry kittens. i had no idea there was this whole hungry kitten subgenre of amateur shortfilm. but seeing as how i have been cracking up for the last 20 minutes, i figured i would share the joy.
the one that started it. i have been this hungry.
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do germans love cats more than americans?
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love the woohoo. what?
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another of the pile of kittens at my feet meowing variety. food in the bathtub = cruelly hysterical. watch their little tails when they eat!
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it's name is panda. i shrieked with glee.
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ok. i really should stop there. i think i blew out the cute circuit in my brain. but guess what i am going to go do more of...right now. and later, salad!