Jun 14, 2007 09:05
So my morning commute was very successful today.
First of all, I managed finally to beat my time, which I had been locked into for the last two weeks. I was only half as late to work as usual, if that makes sense. (Commute time gains or losses are measured by arrival, not total travel time, fyi.)
Second, I actually managed to procure breakfast on the way, by seizing the opportunity to hit up a Convention Center coffee stand directly in my path but having no one in line. Granted, without this stop I may have actually been on time, but points awarded for having decent coffee and something to eat before 11:00 exceed the points gained from punctuality. Several points were lost however, upon actual receipt of the scone. Judges feel the poppyseed muffin would have been a better, more substantial breakfast choice, once the scone was appraised up close. Those points were made up by the fact that the coffee place plays classical music every morning, and I a) expressed satisfaction and pleasure in this to the nice cashier and b) correctly identified the composer, if only in my head (Bach.)
Third, for a hard won smattering of points. I beat the notorious Pine/5th Ave light. Pretty much every morning it prevents me from crossing 5th to my building, forcing me to wait at the Nordstrom half-way crossing (learned that lesson when an obnoxious coworker beat me to work one morning) or just wait the zillion hours there until it changes. This light has a mere, unmerciful 5 second countdown once the walking light times out, which started before I reached the curb. But today was not a day for caution, and I sprinted across the street in front of several rows of cars and a bus, reaching the other side before 0. Some coffee was sloshed, but as none of it hit my hand, it was a clean win, with several additional points added for my willingness to "run like a dope" as one judge put it - a necessary action given my silly china flats and full cup of coffee.
In the final tally, miscellaneous points were also awarded for the following: opening the door for a coworker on the way into the building, having a pleasant exhange with said coworker in the elevator, and the latent discovery that my coffee sleeve has a picture of a goldfish on it.
I'd just like to say, thanks. I couldn't have done it without all of your support. Also, it's not about winning. It's about personal best.
goldfish coffee,