June Round-Up

Jul 01, 2007 16:34

Stories I recced:
I recced the "gen" category over at stargateficrec in June - my first time reccing a category instead of a character.

In Search of Possibilities by Fig Newton (deftly-created Sam and Daniel story that makes you think).

Candle in the Dark by Friendshipper (one of the first Stargate fics I ever read - John and Rodney in an adventure based off a MacGyver episode - wonderful banter and world creation)

Those Eyebrows-! (Methods of Governance Remix) by Pepper (Cam getting used to the team and learning how to push Daniel's buttons)

Red Light on a Wedding Night by Raisintorte (Gen AMTDI, both SGA and SG-1. I haven't laughed so hard at a fic since I read surrealphantast's Face-Off (see how I snuck that other rec in here?))

Infirmary After by Teand (a very well done fic dealing with the aftermath of rape - fantastic Sam, Janet and all of SG-1)

Anbernen by Klostes (scene insert for SGA's "Sunday" - short but with stunningly beautiful prose)

And You Can Go Home Again by Niamaea (Wonderful Jonas Quinn story - what happened after Langara fell to the Ori)

July I get to rec Teal'c (who needs more love!) and Sam and Daniel friendship (my first and truest SG-1 love). I really need to finish reading the stories at sd_ficathon

Stories I wrote:

Like May, June was very sparse on the writing front - though I did make more progress on some WiPs.
Pepper_Field and I wrote some cracky Sam/Daniel kid!fic complete with teamy goodness.
I also wrote Scattered Shards - a Daniel-based, Moebius, teamfic for gateverse_remix.

Other fic I loved this month (so not a comprehensive list):

The War Works Hard - SG-1 working to get some orphans through the 'gate under fire from Jaffa death gliders. I love SG-1 with kids and this is good and hurty in all the right places.

Incredible Luck, Annoying charm by ana_grrl - rydra_wong pointed me here - Vala and Teal'c discussing how crazy the Tauri are.

Friendly Competition by siegeofangels - A sweet SGA fic post-The Return II. All of Atlantis engages in a hugging competition and Jack O'Neill proves exactly why he's the general.

Triptych by Mad Maudlin - An exploration of how the events of Moebius affected the crew of Atlantis (with some SG-1 crossover). Frankly, brilliant.

Heart of Glass - Pepper - Pepper wrote Jack/Sara before I met her and she only told me now! There is not enough Jack/Sara in the world but this one is EXCELLENT. A short, sweet story of how they met that makes you all happy and gleeful and then pops out of nowhere to punch you in the gut. Because Pepper's nice that way. *squees*

Downpour by...someone - it's porny Daniel/Vala but it has wonderful characterization and deals with my curiosity about Amaunet and Qetesh meeting. And does it so very well.

You Can't Always Get What You Want by Beta Candy - sg_fignewton jumped up and down at me until I finally read this, and I'm glad she did. It starts where Moebius left off and ties everything together and almost makes the timelines make sense. I don't 100% agree with all the characterization in this story but it is fantastic.

Carry Me Home by Friendshipper - Teal'c-based Unending fic. *does dance of one of my most favorite SGA gen authors writing SG-1 Het and Slash because breaking boundaries is always fun* Some really great analysis into character dynamics.

Five Things Teal'c Learned by Minxy another Teal'c Unending fic with some really neat character insight

Rush Tickets by Paian - So I wasn't a fan of "Family Ties" and pr0n-y fics (mostly without plot) aren't usually my thing. So you wouldn't think a pr0n-y fic tag would fix an episode for me but....this one did. So damn much. Thank you Komos!

Beneath the Waves by Rowan - *dances* Rowan finished my sd_ficathon fic! Rowan finished my sd_ficathon fic! And it is lovely! Sam and Daniel and Sam falling apart and Daniel being her rock and teaminess and *squishes fic*

And I really need to finish reading the sd_ficathon stories (if I haven't commented on yours, it means I haven't read it yet - I am being ridiculously slow) and now there's the gateverse_remix stories to read too.

recs, monthly roundup

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