Infirmary After by Teand (PG-13)

Jun 19, 2007 09:04

Rec Category: Gen
Pairing: none
Category: Sam Carter, Janet Fraiser, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Teal'c, team, Janet and Sam friendship, hurt/comfort, gen,
Warning: whumping, aftermath of rape
Author on LJ teand
Author's Website: Teand's Fic
Link: Infirmary After

Why This Must Be Read:
This fic does a fantastic job with a very difficult subject - dealing with the aftermath of a mission in which SG-1 was captured and Sam was raped. Through Janet's eyes we never see the rape itself. What we see is Janet's anguish at dealing with the trauma as Sam's doctor and friend and Sam's desire not to appear weak or be pitied. We also get Daniel, Jack and Teal'c reacting as the over-protective teammates and Hammond doing what needs to be done, even when he'd rather not. Ultimately we see SG-1 draw together in support, each relinquishing their own fears to support the others.

The soft shush, shush of Sam's other hand rubbing against the blanket was the only sound for a long moment. Then: "They're not the only people in this mountain."

"No, they aren't." Matter of fact now, because that was what was needed. "And frankly, I'm kind of hoping that some asshole will shoot off his mouth because the sooner your three can beat the Neanderthal out of someone, the sooner they'll stop badgering the general to nuke P7D 448 to radioactive rubble."

"They haven't..."

"Given that the general's more than half inclined to go along with the idea, he finally had to station a couple of SF's outside his door to discourage their visits."

"Do we even have a nuke?"

"The colonel seems to know where he can get one."

Smiling pulled at the damage to her lip. Sam winced and snorted. "I knew they were going to make a big deal out of this. They're waiting in the hall, aren't they?"

character: daniel jackson, team, character: janet frasier, character: jack o'neill, character: teal'c, character: samantha carter, gen, friendship: janet and sam, hurt/comfort, sg-1

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