Title: Confusing the Confused
Author: hanakoanime (Abyss)
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Pairing: None (so rare)
Rating: G
Summary: I entered this world, and nearly lost it.
Warning: Author insert, first time writing VK fic, crack
Disclaimer: If I owned this, you wouldn't fear the writing, now would you?
AN: Abyss has a weird way of looking at stuff...so, yeah.
Abyss landed in this realm, this very bright realm.
She walked around, searching for the people that lived here.
“Where is everyone?” Instead of waiting for someone to come over, or to answer her, she walked towards the gloomy building.
She had only an inkling of an idea of where she was. ‘Is this the academy?’
She walked in, and she immediately saw Aidou. But he walked on, not evening pausing to look at her/
‘So I’m in Vampire Knight? Maybe I should have read it in order…or at least watch the anime.’ She skipped some volumes-the library she went to didn’t have it-and people said the anime was confusing-or for her friend, Keiko, sake, it sucked.
“As long as no one sees me, I might as well have fun.” So she pulled out her camera-which she had with her, thanks to a trip she was supposed to go on-and took many pictures of the vampires.
But right before she could get a good one of Hanabusa Aidou, she got pulled through a portal.