Title: "Hello, How Are You?"
Fandom: Super Smash Bros (Brawl)
Pairing: Link/Pokemon Trainer (Red)
Theme: Book
Rating: G
Words: 153
Warnings: N/A (Maybe minor character bashing if you squint.)
Notes: I was originally going to use lyrics from the book (musical?) mentioned, but decided against it.
Had Link not been paying attention, he would’ve said that Red could magically disappear. However, instead, the boy was ignored by the others as they talked about plans that may have originally included him but didn’t at this point.
Deciding that a pathetic excuse for a love triangle could wait a bit longer, Link laid the book down uncaringly and made his way to the boy sitting by himself in hopes of striking up a friendship that could be viewed as “beautiful”.
It was something that Link hoped would strike up as he made his way towards the boy, but the other had pushed him away. It wasn’t all that shocking, considering the way that he was being treated by his so-called friends.
Deciding that it would have to do, Link quickly went back to grab something, and came back. “I know you like to read. Have you read Phantom of the Opera?”