Title: Forever and Never
Fandom: Hetalia (Axis Powers)
Pairing: France/England (Francis Bonnefoy/Arthur Kirkland)
Theme: Victory
Rating: PG
Words: 101
Warnings: N/A
Notes: Just something short and not really focusing on a certain time period. Though they are fighting.
With a cruel grin, he stared down at the man that had oftentimes proclaimed his undying love for him. It was ironic, that he would be playing the pining lover at this point, hoping to get the man that had said that the love wasn’t one-sided.
However, there was nothing that could be done at this point-everything had fallen into place, and he wished that it was different. He wished that there was no reason to be fighting, that it was just a simple game to pass the time.
This was reality though, and there was no escape from it.