Title: Reality is never pretty
Word count: 200
Characters/pairings: Dolph
Challenge: #1 Beginnings
Author's note: Though this is far from my best drabble, I want to dedicate it to
mhalachaiswords. In my opinion, Mhal set the standard to which the rest of us drabblers aspire. What she can do in 100 words a lot of published authors can’t do in a 1000. In a few words she conveys emotions, senses, and other tangibles. The fandoms she is moving into have no idea the treat they are in for. Thanks Mhal, for being a great moderator and an inspiring writer.
x-posted to:
sabriel_0405 Dolph stared in shock at the image unfolding on the screen. Anita Blake, his Anita, was on national television on the arm that monster. He slammed his fist down on the table so hard it made the living room knick knacks shake. His wife peered around the corner but he waved her away. Anita was the daughter he never knew he missed, and she was gripping the arm of that, that thing. Granted, she didn’t look excited about the flashing bulbs. And, if he wasn’t mistaken, she was armed to the teeth. This was his fault. He kept pushing her into the vampire’s world. Pushed her to get more information, help RPIT solve more crimes. Hell, she wasn’t even on his payroll. He never thought, never considered, what she might have to do to get that information. How could he have known that she, of all people, would be susceptible to a pretty corpse? But the secrets had begun. Sins of omission, perhaps, but still secrets. She had always seen the monsters in black and white, just as he did. How could she be coffin bait and still be the scourge of vampires everywhere? How could he still trust her?