two drabbles

Jan 25, 2006 22:10

The Raising
abvh100 topic: #46 earth
word count 100

The ground boiled beneath her feet, churning up the grass. Hands pushed up through the soil, reaching for something followed by the rest of the body. If she didn't know what to expect, hadn't known what to expect since she was a child the sight would be enough to gross a person out. The body that rose from the ground was less than the perfect one that went into the coffin. She could hear the gasps of the loved ones of the woman she was raising behind her and knew they hadn't thought about the fact their mother would decay.

Another Rising
abvh100= topic #46 earth
writers_choice topic: #135: word
word count: 100

She walked around the grave, softly saying the incantation and sprinkling salt as she went to make the magical circle. Standing in the middle of the magic, she sliced her arm, grimacing in pain as the knife cut into her flesh. Only human blood would work this time. Blood dripped down her arm, soaking into the soil more words of magic were spoken. She hated using her own blood but she needed her magic to raise the woman who'd been dead far too long. She repeated the incantation over and over again until the dirt began to boil beneath her.


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