Thursday September 17
Late Evening -
hello i've waited here for you - in progress - Shino, Tenten - Sometimes people need tea. Sometimes they need kittens. Usually they need a friend.
Friday September 18
Mid-Morning -
umberto - Hinata, Shino - Sometimes the library is boring and sometimes you meet a potential bff.
Friday October 2
Afternoon -
the symbolism in Byron's third piece is - Sakura, Shino - The hard science kids hiding in the back of the class while the lit majors pontificate all over the place in the front. Also, there's a spider, and Sakura's geeky past comes to light.
Tuesday October 13
Afternoon -
can I have both? - Sakura, Shino - Shino's protip to Conquering the World: Get along well with the women. When scorned, they make awesome weapons.
Friday October 16
Afternoon - log not yet on comm - Shino, Tenten - Being social is acceptable for the sake of supporting a friend.
Wednesday October 21
Mid-Morning - log not yet on comm - in progress - Hinata, Shino - Shino exacts his revenge on a frog in class; Hinata squirms at the icky guts.
Sunday October 25
log not yet on comm - Shino, Tenten - Shino sees Tenten off after the Naruto/Neji excitement of the Halloween party, and transfers custody of Itoshii over to Naruto while Tenten's in China.
Friday November 6
no log - Ino, Shino, Millions of Party People - Ino takes Shino to play beer pong. There is little to no success. She does get a kiss in and he gets an inexplicable inability not to be able to speak to her ever again.
Sunday November 22
Evening -
if you're happy and you know it - in progress - Sakura, Shino - Apparently people take breaks when they're studying. Sakura attempts to enforce this onto Shino by offering him a heaping helping of silly.
Wednesday December 2
Afternoon - log not yet on comm - Shino, Tenten - Rules were meant to have loopholes. And Tenten prides herself in finding them.
Saturday December 19
Evening - log not yet on comm - Shino, Tenten - Christmas gifts mean you are important to me.