Mar 24, 2006 05:05
ok, feel better now.. i switched from orgo to calc and said fuck orgo... or was it orgo that said fuck me? i dunnno... either way, i think it is just best if i retake it this summer and get a good grade in there... too bad i cant drop the class anymore... ugh...
work in 45 minutes... im doing alright... ill drink another redbull before my calc exam and have some coffee (i hate the shit but i need a boost) at brealfast... i just hope i dont die of boredom while working...
oh, so i left german early tonight to study and as i am walkig home, i trip and ram my hand into a cement pillar... so now two of my knuckles are scraped up and stinging...also, they fingers are cramping.... its gonna be fun to wear a glove today while i work...
i am so screwed but eh, there are always retakes that cost an arm, leg and first born child...
peace, love, and i guess i am the only one who knows how to end an LJ entry!!! yay me!!!