May 27, 2004 10:50
Life has been uneventful as usual.
Cory's away.
Last night I rented 3 movies - LoTR: Return of the King, Mona Lisa Smile, and All the Real Girls. I watched Mona Lisa Smile which I paused many times to catch a few minutes here and there of American Idol. Am I a pop culture zombie or what....renting Lord of the Rings and watching American Idol all in the same night!
Anyway, Mona Lisa Smile was ok. It definitely wasn't the greatest movie I have ever seen, but it wasn't bad either. I should wait until Cory comes home on Saturday to watch LoTR, because I know he will want to watch it too. I am anxious to see it. I'm sad that this is the last movie in the trilogy. :(
Since it's not supposed to rain tonight I might actually try to level the ground in the place where I want to put the flower bed Cory built for me, and MAYBE finally I will plant my flowers. Wooohaa! I just hope the lunatics next door don't come over and bother me while I'm doing that. They haven't been around much lately. Though the other night they did come over before I got home from work.
Cory said that while he was mowing the lawn two of the boys came over and Delilah got scared so she was trying to get away from them but instead her run (we have to have her on one since our yard isn't completely fenced in) got all tangled around one of the boys, so she was even more scared since she was basically stuck wrapped around him. Well, the stupid moron boys were just laughing because they thought it was funny and she got so scared she pooped!!!!!! This just caused the boys to scream which scared her even more. Agh! My poor baby. They are going to give her a heart attack. I wish she wasn't so scared of strangers. She wasn't like this when she was a puppy, she used to love going to the vet or to PetSmart and getting all kinds of attention.
Oh that reminds me of something else. When Cory was building my flower box the other night the youngest kid came over and was "helping out" and out of no where the kid started making these loud moaning sex noises!! What the hell?!! These people are just scary.
Hmmm...I just realized that all of my previous entries about the crazy people next door are Friends Only posts, but this one isn't so my talk about the creepy neighbors probably doesn't make sense to anyone who might read this who isn't on my Friends list. Oh well. The only reason I marked the others as Friends Only is because I used the neighbors' names so, just in case they happen to be computer savvy (doubt that) I figured better safe than sorry.