My job is so exciting. I just spent the past 3 hours or so pulling off all of the keys on my keyboard, and cleaning up piles upon piles of crusty dust bunnies, food crumbs, paperclips and staples that have been hidden under the keys for a long, long time. Then I used a paper towel and Simple Green (that stuff smells so nasty) to clean off each individual key. Now everything is sparkling and shiny but my spacebar isn't working properly. I can't win!
Cory has to go to Poughkeepsie for work again this week, but this time it's even longer than usual. He will leave at about 5:30 AM tomorrow morning and he won't be back until Saturday night. Crap-o-la. They actually asked him if he would work on Monday too....MONDAY!! Memorial Day?!?! Which would have meant that he would have only been home on Sunday and that's it, but then his boss decided he wasn't going to pay Cory time & a half for doing OT plus holiday pay. Would have been nice to have the extra money, but at least this will allow us to maybe do something this weekend. I'm sure we are going to get ropped into going to Cory's parents' house on Monday though. Oh yay, just what I wanted to do with my day off.
I'm finally going to plant some flowers in my yard this week! Last night Cory started building a raised flower bed for me. He screwed a few boards together when we torrential rain and thunderstorms rolled through, so he had to give up on that for the night. I am hoping it won't rain tonight so he can finish at least one box before he goes away for the rest of the week.
Oh I rented
Love Actually this weekend. If you haven't seen it I recommend it. I usually don't like Hugh Grant, but he didn't bother me at all in this movie, in fact, he was actually funny in a few parts. Cory watched it with me, assuming it was just another "chick flick" but I know he liked it too, he was laughing just as much as I was. I have been watching so many movies lately, since we joined Netflix and I have been renting from Hollywood Video too because they sent out 99 cent rental coupons. Oh, I also rented
They, which started out good but I didn't really like the ending. That movie was well worth the 99 cents (plus tax) though because of Ethan Embry. Ooooh he is so cute.