Why is it, that when you get to work and your PC is acting funny, you automatically assume it's because you might could possibly have gotten fired?
And then you reboot, and you can breathe again.
How's this for phunny phunny...I just wrote a glossy book review that made a romance novel sound like some super dupery profound literature...when I could have just summed it up to "I'm riding your face - SAVING YOUR LIFE!!"
Some of these authors are on some extra credit crazy, I tell ya.
I leave for New Orleans in less than 36 hours.
I. Can't. Wait.
I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm emotionally unavailable.
Or perhaps I just don't LIKE anybody that is interested in me right now.
Yeah, that's it.
My kid came into the kitchen the other day and heard me whistling. He then said..."Gee Mommy, I didn't know you spoke BIRD."
I swear. Imma take that kid on the road one day.
And just because, here are some videos. Some are old, some are new, some are new to me...but they all make me smile.
Kung Fu Fighting (Kung Fu Panda Version featuring Cee-Lo)
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Gosh I love Cee-Lo!
Some old school Disco Soul: Candi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free
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Double exposure camera shots for the win!
And just because this never gets old to me: Obama - Brushing off the dirt
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I love it.