You are Forwarned, this is a TMI Post (just read it with a sense of humor)

Dec 21, 2009 21:26

Okay, is it time for me to start worrying about what this week might bring?  Just today, I was given some not surprising news that I may not be getting a raise next year.  Not like it would have made a difference if I had, considering that the last few have only been a notch in burger bucks.  Yes, that's right.  Each raise helped me afford at least two more cheeseburgers from the McDonald's Dollar Menu.  It does, however, add new perspective to how I'll have to handle my mula next year.  A little tightening in the belt isn't always so bad.  I'll be (stretched) thin, after all.  Though, I don't get the idea of having a bonus.  I'm already expecting the bonus to be a little less than the previous years, and with that in mind, it'll only go into my savings account.  At this point in my life, I need the emergency fund, I haven't been quite raising over the last four years.   Moving on.... Earlier today I booked a doctor's appointment on Wednesday to have a few things checked out in a not-so-shiny area.  To not go all TMI, I'm having these non-itchy, non-red bumps checked out in the nether regions.  They don't resemble cancerous moles, but they are quite frightening in the sense that they haven't disappeared.  This raises a bit of concern considering my medical history. I've also received a phone call from someone at the Gay and Lesbian Center in Hollywood concerning my link to someone I have slept with - not really sure how long ago in the past.  Thankfully, this person, whose name they couldn't reveal because of a confidentiality agreement, only tested positive for some Soon-To-Detonate symptoms that are curable.  Let's just say that upon hearing "tested Positive," it got my heart raising.  I do have to admit that I was pretty miffed with that whole "confidentiality agreement" more than anything.  I get the whole schpeal of not being publically "humiliated" with this whole ordeal, but if you're going to give this person my name out to warn me about the possibility that I may have contracted something, I would expect the courtesy of giving you're name out, as well.  True, some other psychotic person may go after you, but I wouldn't.  I'd just expect some sort of call at the very least.  Anyway, with that said, I've made myself an appointment at The Spot in West Hollywood.  Being that it's the day before Christmas Eve, I'm beginning to think if I'm setting myself up for a disappointing Holiday.  It's one of those comprehensive tests, since it's already been 6 months since my last HIV/STD test, so one doesn't know what the outcome may be.  I'm pretty careful in my sexual proclivities, but I'm still scared.  Anything is pretty risky these days.  I'd rather be the Madonna than the whore.  Immaculate Conception anyone?
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