(no subject)

Mar 24, 2010 22:29

so clearly im going to be a teenager and start writing in here again.
i find myself wondering if im ever going to get back to where i started before i gave up everything i had and followed dan down the rabbit hole. It kills me to read back over the last few entries in here because i thought we were happy (hahahahaha) and now i kno that i just wanted to be. my heart still belongs to the same person it always has, but i broke his so my chances of that ever happening are like a snowballs chance in hell.joy. im trying to remember who i was, reconnecting with old friends looking at schools trying to get my life back on track. but most of the time all i really wanna do is cry. lately i miss felicia alot, especially reading back over all these old entries.she was always like the other half of me the half that stopped me from doing stupid things and loved me no matter what. i wonder if she'll ever speak to me again, cant say id blame her if she didnt i was a shitty friend. one of the many thing i regret about the last three years of my life. id give anything for a time machine so i could go back and kick the ass of the girl i was then make her apreciate all that she had cuz god knows id do anything to have it all back.
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