Yesterday I went home sick from work. Not sure what cause the profuse vomiting, but I couldn't keep anything down... not even water. The final straw involved projectile vomiting (in the bathroom... but not quite to the toilet) followed by embarrassed, misery induced crying as I cleaned it up myself w/ Lysol & paper towels. Ended up leaving around 11am. Ugh.
I'm feeling much better today and was well enough after napping & sipping juice all afternoon to have a grilled ham & provolone sammich for dinner then watch Ugly Betty & get some knitting done before reading then sleep.
On a side note: I ordered a new comforter two days ago, only to find out that Paul had picked up the chartreuse green/charcoal grey reversible bedspread that I liked last week, but forgot to tell me. Also, I forgot to ask. OOPS!! Not sure who's more at fault; pretty sure we should don matching dunce caps for this one. The (now) superfluous comforter went out via UPS yesterday. Luckily I can return it at the store, even though it was ordered online. I've decided to use the money from the return to purchase new flatware, as I still have the set I got w/ Marwan 8 years ago and have wanted new utensils for quite some time. I'm torn between two sets; hopefully I will have come to some sort of conclusion by the time my comforter arrives and I return it for $$.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Every time I think that I'm leaning more towards one, I change my mind. I might need an outside arbitrator for this one!
Work-related: My boss has been on a business trip since Wednesday and won't be back until the middle of next week. This morning he forwards me a series of emails (from mid-December 2007) about a convention that he's JUST NOW decided we should make an appearance at, so can I book us a booth ASAP?! My resources: his email (includes correspondence w/ the company President), an URL for the convention, and the rough guideline of "oh, about 10ft. or so, just a small booth). Oh, and today is the last day you could register w/ a deposit, so now we'll have to pay the full fee w/ our registration contract... AND the accounts executive for companies M-Z (which would be OURS) is out of the office until the 14th. Did I mention the convention is also 98% booked? I literally found ONE booth the size he'd like and only 3 or 4 others that are twice the size. x_X
What I'd REALLY like to tell him is: