I just read this
Yahoo news story about the downsides/dangers of the every popular caffeinated liquid fuel, AKA energy drinks.
First of all, one Red Bull only contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Plus additional sweeteners & shitty chemicals [including sweeteners]. Red Bull < coffee. Point taken. Red Bull sucks and tastes like I'd imagine anti-freeze might taste mixed w/ Splenda. [For the record: I also hate Splenda. If you like it... sorry, but your palate must be pretty poorly developed. You also probably like Mountain Dew and smoke cigarettes. Ew.]
Several companies make energy drinks w/o the use of nasty chemical and industrial ingredients that I wouldn't use to scour my stove with let alone ingest. Sobe Essentials and Rockstar Juiced are both tasty and non-toxic.
Another interesting point was that "'Energy drinks' can also lead to dehydration because caffeine stimulates urination and thus increases water loss." Speaking from personal experience drinking one Sobe Essentials or Rock Star Juiced energy drink has FAR LESS of a diuretic effect that drinking an entire pot [in this scenario "entire pot" = 12 cup coffee maker carafe] of coffee to sustain the same amount of alertness.
For someone who is physically addicted to caffiene, as I admit that I am, energy drinks have far less negative points then coffee itself does. Oh, and I don't have to pee every 15 minutes from drinking a dozen cups of coffee. Which can be quite disruptive to one's daily grind.
I also enjoyed the Captain Obvious mention at the beginning of the article about Aquafina being filtered tapwater and no better than my trusty Brita filter. Yes. We know. This isn't "news".