May 07, 2009 11:04
Four times. I almost got into an accident FOUR fucking times in under twenty minutes.
Construction vehicle pulls out perpendicularity taking up three of the four lanes of traffic. No sign man, no cones, no signal, no lane closure sign. I swerve from the right lane to the far left, and keep going.
Lawncare trailer pulled over on the same road, again, I'm in the right lane. They pull out into traffic moving at all of about five MPH. I brake and change lanes to avoid rear ending them, as I am going about sixty or seventy.
Getting off that same road, stopped at a stop sign. Guy with right of way goes, and I start to roll out. Asshole blows through his stop sign at a good sixty MPH, guy doesn't even blink at me or his stop sign, just keeps on trucking.
Lady who is paying more attention to her dog in the backseat then the road tries to change lanes into me. Again no fucking signal, no looking to see if anyone was there. We're going all of thirty MPH, so it's not like I could have sneaked up on her, we were next to each other at the stop light. If my window had been open the dog could have licked my face. I'm amazed my mirror didn't hit the dog as I hit the breaks.
Unfuckingbelievable. It's like some bad time travel movie where I was supposed to die but didn't and "fate" is trying to correct the timeline.