Oct 20, 2005 02:15
Ordered some clothes lastnight. I desperately needed clothes, thought I would treat myself. 10 articles of clothing for 200 and some odd dollars, i think i could have done better than that, but I'm not much of a bargain hunter even though I have a very good resource at my finger tips.. Any suggestions? ALmost 2am.... and I'm doing a load of laundry... i forgot to do them over the weekend so i Had a stinky uniform...:|~ I'm realizing.. I don't work well with others... or rather with others around me. The new lady is very nice cept she shows up 20 min early so I have someone over my shoulders watching me do my work...But she is training so thats okay... and wtf is this shit she gets two days of training and i got 6!.. mother-fucking... SIX.. well actually 3 days of training (16 hours) plus logan sitting in on my shift for 3 hours the following 3 days... wtf... go home already you got a nice paycheck now fuck off...This woman is only in her 2nd day of training tonight and already would like to be transfered from the post or to a different company.... same fucking thing i thought... Her reasoning is more on the lines of "company gossip", she worked over at bank of marin for like... 3 weeks or so and heard nothing but crap about ASPS.. but it's like if you havent experienced anything more than "gossip" you dont need to form an oppinion about it unless you have been through what other guards are talking about, eh? I told her to please stay since she is so nice... her and logan seem to get along well, but so did i and logan at first till i couldnt take her damn complaining anymore and became silent... any-who... We need a nice cheerful person at the post anyway... She's also basing it off of "too much work" she is graveyard for crying outloud nothing happens on grave-yard... everything happens on my shift... morning shift gets all the people, i get half the people and all the drama...swing gets nothing, she got a good shift... anyway So a lady passed away today during my shift. Felt bad. Right as i walked through the door to sign-on Lv Fire shows up so i let them in...1 hour later coroner shows up, 15 min later metro shows up, 30 min later palm mortuary shows up... Just last week this same woman had just gotten a bunch of furniture too... :-\ so... i suppose, shes in a better place now. First time i've ever had a coroner show up on my shift same with palm mortuary... EEP! not a good feeling at all. I should expect it though I work at a senior complex. So... I got ahold of HOA, Jan S., and asked her about this note that logan wrote about not allowing "Bob" into the complex that i needed it confirmed (or logan would have gotten in trouble) Turns out, Jan confirmed it. Apparently "bob" had been sexually harassing her... Sending her gifts, but honestly is that sexual harrassment? I'm honestly not even sure, it wasn't my business, i just wanted to know if Jan had actually disallowed him onto the property and Logan wasn't just bullshitting. So the friend/resident of "bob" will find out tomorrow if he comes by that the note was confirmed and there was an actual reasoning for it. She's thinking about filing a lawsuit..so... here's more drama! WHy is everyone so Sue-Happy? I think it all started when that lady spilled hot coffee on herself and sued McDonalds ( right?) ugh... I'll leave that all alone... I'd be happy to go to court against Logan though.... I didn't mention she shoved me again yesterday, when she was walking out the door... fucking pissed me off, iw ould have said something, but there was a BRAND new resident talking to me, I'm serious though, she pushed her elbow out so she could elbow me and give me a little shove... but that's it, thats the 3rd fucking time i let her do that without saying anything.. next time I'm writting an incident report AND i'm going to say something to her face, that shit is uncalled for... but i think she is doing it to push my buttons, just like she did with "bob" she pushed him to "the edge" and i take it he snapped at her... not sure if it was a physical thing or not, but whatever happened logan pushed him (not physical)... and i think she is trying to push my buttons so i do something so she can get me fired... she has nothing else to catch me in, or lie about, so she has to resort to "shoving".. its rediculous... but next time i WILL say something, she has no right to even touch me... now i feel like i have to burn my fucking arm cause he royal-nappyness touched me...skldfja;lsjfa;sdjfas;kd;skf;l So okay, i think i'm done for bitching now...
I'm tired... Periods suck
Does anyone have any suggestions on gaining more energy? I'm running around all day, and I hear that gives you more energy, but I'm so damn groggy in the morning and late at night, i can't think of what to do....