My pot of gold over the rainbow...

Feb 19, 2009 22:00

Man, today was sure a mix of events. It went from slack to incredibly challenging. :)

It began with a field trip to the local Anglican church downtown for Sociology class. We were to organize and separate foods into boxes for people who purchased them for a much cheaper price. It was great and an amazing experience; first-hand accounts of poverty in our own town. Mr. Gee certainly has interesting ways to teach us the culture of our town and linking it with Sociology all the time. The entire morning was definitely worthwhile.

Then we returned to school around lunch time and I had to rush over to Mr. Smith's room where I was helping a friend make a poster for another school event called 'Mirrorless Monday'. It's basically a day when the Leadership class (me included) cover up the mirrors with paper that has been covered in quotes and positive comments. The entire event is meant to bring out people's inner beauty, etc etc etc. However, my friend bailed so I was stuck making this 6 ft poster by myself which was a total bummer and waste of my lunch break. *sigh*

I thought English class was going to be my worst nightmare because we were scheduled to write another narrative, in-class essay and a test for 'Taming of the Shrew'. However, something in me clicked and everything Mr. Santos taught me to do to improve my essay writing skills kicked in. I felt really good handing that essay in...I just hope to everything that I didn't jinx myself.

The test was amazing! I used 'sparknotes' all the time for studying novels and Shakespeare all the time so guess what my reaction was to finding that Santos pulled the quiz questions from the site onto the test? That was an easy 25 marks right there alone and the rest of the test was incredibly easy as well so I'm looking forward to seeing that mark. lol

Besides that, I had a really good talk with my younger sister. We never really ever got the chance to bond so it was nice to actually talk about something deeper than her gushing about Twilight, HSM, or the Jonas Brothers. lol

Anywho, I gots me a 4 day weekend that I do not want to waste so I'm off to bed! Haha!! Night!!! <3

volunteering, test, leadership, sociology, posters, in-class essay, family, school, english

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