Visit to the RE

Mar 30, 2009 23:01

OMG it was pretty overwhelming. The place was beautiful and very relaxing although as I sat there and looked around the room I wanted to cry. All of us in that waiting room wanted the same thing and some of us may never get it. I'm trying to be positive though. The doctor was very nice. The doctor wanted to start with either laproscopy or IVF. He ( Read more... )

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absolutanjul April 1 2009, 16:20:07 UTC
Ack! Well I don't have much choice in the matter. They have to do transvaginal during my stimulation time. It would be too much to have to drink a gallon of water and have them press on my stomach searching for my ovaries. The transvag is so not painful and quick. It only took 5 minutes for my transvag as opposed to 25 minutes of the horrible pain associated with my abdominal U/S. I don't know if the bacteria can get through what should be a closed cervix I would think that a woman would have bigger fish to fry than a transvag U/S. Bacterial vaginosis is pretty thrifty about getting to the vagina. Usually the acid produced by the lactobacillus stops them, but they do get in there quite often and spread before they die off. ICK ICK ICK!

As for WTE I bought the book to get the month by month thing. I don't like that they put the worst case scenarios in the books and freak out new mommies. I would gladly accept the Dr. Sears books :D

I like that the nurses are all females at the clinic so that makes the situation much more pleasant. I don't mind male doctors, some are rougher than they should be, but my current OB is quite lovely and a progressive thinker. I think I'll keep him, lol! The female I saw at their practice was bitter and basically told me that having children would ruin my life... ummmm k thanks!

BTW I saw the sonogram... your baby is a beautiful/handsome little bean... ;) Or wait was it you that called Conner bucket before he was born?


simi April 1 2009, 16:42:43 UTC
Throw out WTE. I just tend to view everything in it as tainted. There's a great day by day calendar online at - also a good resource for trying to get pregnant. All of my abdominal ultrasounds have been quick and painless, but I have a very different situation from yours. In my case transvaginals are pointless and not worth the risk however slight.

Dr. Sears... I can't even begin to describe my love of that man and his wife and their children... Their books are way helpful and gentle and give you good ideas about your OPTIONS rather than simply focussing on telling you what you'll have to submit yourself to. Even in your case I think knowing what many options there are is very important. Knowing you have choices and that OB's aren't gods and that their word isn't law from on high, well, it's a good thing.

But this is something of a soapbox topic for me. When Amanda asked me to attend Katie's birth, I started doing some reading because I knew absolutely nothing about pregnancy and childbirth. And then I started to discover all of the barbaric things that state of the art hospitals do to women in the name of medicine. That female OBs and female OB nurses do to other women without ever questioning the practices... Well, I don't waste any opportunity to encourage other women to ditch the bitches that wrote the WTE books and point out helpful books like Dr. Sears' Birth Book.

ETA: and yeah, Connor was 'Bucket'. *rolls eyes* My husband has a very odd sense of humour...


absolutanjul April 1 2009, 17:22:09 UTC
LOL! What's Mike calling this one?


simi April 1 2009, 17:28:25 UTC
"It who shall not be named... until later"


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