It's the little things....

Dec 06, 2008 21:54

People who know me would say that I am quite obsessive. When I get my mind set on a specific subject I tend to become fixated on it. Since DH and I started TTC that's pretty much been my fixation. Almost to an unhealthy extent, but DH and I talked and I feel much better. Well since I am sick and not getting any homework done (like I should be since it is FINALS WEEK)I decided to use a due date estimator in the off chance that I should get pregnant this month. Well I have to say I was a bit surprised. I knew that if I conceived this month that I would be due in September, but because of my LP fluke last month my EDD would be on my 28th birthday. Not only that, but I would be due on a Tuesday (the day of the week that I was born on) and the day before would be labor day. My mother went into labor on labor day! I know that very few babies are actually born on their EDD, but I think it would be HILARIOUS if I conceived and mine was. Sigh... okay I'll leave my delusional thoughts and return to the world of term papers, physics exams, and medicinal plants (and not in the way that you are thinking...).
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