bouncing off the...o wouldnt you like to know...

Mar 14, 2004 23:36

apologies for two posts in one day but as i said earlier i had to go to work so here is friday nights outing(since I didnt do jacksquat on Saturday.

Okay well Thursday It was decided for sure to go ahead with the bon fire party thingy so I called basically all my friends to see if they wanted to go the next day(I see now spontanteously calling people the night before is better than planing it ahead of time) Anyway got alot of ppl to say they were gonna go but the kicker was when I called my buddy eli...He tells me he couldnt go cuz he was going to our friends' the lewis' house...I tell him screw that and bring all of them(was goin invite them next anyway) He says he will call them( about 5 peeps) and call me back. I get a call later saying yea he didnt know my buddy brian was going and that they all didnt feel like going to the beach, but wanted to know if I wanted to go! Now isnt that great I get an invite AFTER bloody calling them to invite them to something...GAH ppl...So that drama aside, Friday comes and I pick up firewood etc and head out to the beach ended up being a great time was a lil over 20 of us music, drinks, sand fire whadda want? Hehe ooo and then there was the "brawl".

Seems I told my buddy that we were right next to the pier when we were way far from the pier...hehe sry buddy. Anyway he was kinda onerry and when I wouldnt have any of him spraying me with soda decided it was a good idea "fight" me... anyway short version...I TOOK HIS ARSE DOWN! hehe you got me down once dude...=P

Anyway so we are getting ready to leave and my "lil sis" calls me up and says she is right near by(we had planned to meet up to do something after cuz she had to work that night) and wanted to know what we were gonna do. It was decided we were all gonna go to my buddy's house in artesia(20 mins away) and party there. I tell rach(lil sis) this and she says thats too far and she is just gonna go home, (she bloody drove 30 mins to meet me out there and she doesnt want to go out!) well that pissed me off and made me feel really crummy at the same time(havent seen her in the longest).

Mark's house: played pool, watched music video's and played texas holdem. I WON $25!!!!!!!!! HEEEELLLLLLLL YEEAAAAAAAA! lol played till 230am then i came home GREAT time hope to do it again hehe ill end this now cuz your eyes prolly hurt(or you skimmed, smart person you ¬_¬ ) and I ate the horse and am chasing the jockey.
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