I enjoy finding the most fucked up weird ass foods I can possibly find.
In this sense, I made out like a pirate with all the weirdness I found at Big Lots.
In addition to the Republican chili beans, I also bought:
-Caldo de Pescado, or fish bouillon. Ive never seen fish in powdered-cubed form. It smells like fish food.
-Roasted Hazelnut Hot Cereal--flax.soy.wheat. It is some sort of anticarb cream of wheat. The picture looks like Cream of Wheat poo. The part I find the strangest is that you just add water and let it sit. Apparently you can eat it after it has sufficently absorbed the water. No stirring or cooking, just put water in it.
-Fancy Whole Smoked Oysters in cottonseed oil. Like many others, I question the quality of canned oysters. I found a website in which someone goes through each step of eating them, concluding they are delicious.
http://www.sixthseal.com/000972.htmlI have yet to try them, but some day...
-And, the most perplexing item, a can of Rice Stuffed Eggplant With Sundried Tomatoes. I cannot imagine what the hell this looks like. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a demonstration on this canned item. Its some sort of gourmet food from Turkey. They had Rice Stuffed Zuchinni and Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers as well.