Mar 31, 2008 20:54
Back from SG9 which was a mixed bag for me, but not because of the organisers or the event itself.
We got to town on Friday in good time, got on the coach then every fuckwit on the road decided to cause so many 'incidents' on the M40 alone that 4 junctions were closed causing massive tailbacks, diversions and general chaos. We got into Banbury 2 and a half hours later than scheduled and I want to publicly thank Dave L for waiting for us, and ArmyofWolves for keeping him entertained while he did so.
This meant that instead of getting to the site 1.5 hours before time in, so there is plenty of time to set up tent, get rest of kit packed and start with a fresh head, I (with the help of others who are also on my 'you are so wonderful list) we get there late, and end up putting the tent up in the dark, rain and near gale force winds. I was pissed off, tired, stressed and not in the mood which was not helped by the fact that I couldn't sort all my kit out in time for time in and missed the starting speech etc for the event. Path did delay things a little for us, which was very sweet, but I started in the wrong frame of mind and was quite distracted. Then I was asked to crew.... that was tremendous fun and I got to blow off some steam while being blown to smithereens several times. I was alot better after that.
Saturday was alot better for me despite the rain. Kincaid sent Olivia out twice on missions, once at team leader. I hadn't led a team before and considering the very touch creatures we met, I think we did quite well. The second one was more cerebral, helping the techies solve a puzzle and fix a lift system using none techie logic.... Livvie got a 'well done' from the Brig, she was well chuffed for that one. She got to use her fu! Yay!!!
Then plot happened. A Ga'ould turned up and negotiating was done (again in the rain, poor crew). There was lots of fun and games involving AI's arguing amongst themselves, and things got more interesting for Livvie when Steven Daniels was taken over by ancient tech, and then an alternate Kincaid turned up and caused no end of chaos (there has to be a story about that)... My scary thought... Now we have had the alternate Kincaid, Daniels, Font etc, when will I be asked to be the alternative Olivia? That would be immense fun. She isn't in the programme there but could be sent to 'entertain the troups'... So finally, after there was much fighting in the woods time out occured and so did the meeting. That went quite smoothly and didn't take too long, and then the celebrating began.
I need to find a 'niche' for Olivia again. I think my own confidence issues are affecting her, plus the way the medical stuff is played puts me at a disadvantage over the other players who genuinely do know what they are talking about. I hate not actually knowing what I am doing, and that makes me hesitate, which Livvie would not do. She's not as assertive as she aught to be, I don't feel I am playing her as well as I should. She is an excellent character and deserves better.
However I am immensely looking forward to the next one, whenever that is, and pray I have got my driving license in time for it!