
Aug 04, 2007 09:22

I realise that I've posted nothing but stores, mostly, for quite a long time. That's generally because not much exciting has happened. I moved last week, into somebody's spare room, with my possessions mostly moving into my father's garage. I have a couple of months here but will have to begin looking for somewhere else soon.  I am re-evaluating my life currently, or trying to decide what to do for the next few years, so far I have a lot of no-ideas, but whatever I've been doing isn't working, because I'm apparently only happy when I'm out of Toronto. This city's energy and I dont' mesh. So I'm looking into ways to be elsewhere.

There hasn't been much theatre, what shows we get generally close down in the summer.  Next show that comes through (barring High School Musical in Sept, which really? I don't think so) will be Dirty Dancing. Currently debating buying a nose-bleed seat to that.  I went to one show at our Fringe festival, a musical called Funny Business based on those raise-your-team-spirit building things we've all had to do sometime at our jobs.  It was ok, I doubt it will ever surface again.  There were a lot of musicals this year, i think they're trying to recreate Drowsy Chaperone's succes, but I don't think any of them will succeed. Then I went to a workshop-style performance of Sunday in the Park with George. Pretty good.  The guy who played George might actually make it. The others were decent, but i didn't see any rising stars.  Still, they were all drama-school grads, so you never know.

This weekend is surprisingly empty, which is kind of nice because the last several have involved trying to pack a lot of things into short spans of time, plus packing. But I now don't have air conditioning, my room is the top floorr of an old house, and it's supposed to be 32C todya, so I don't think I can just stay in and read or anything calming.  Tomorrow eveing I seem to have 4 seperate things to do, but today, nada.  Maybe I'll go for a long walk somewhere, avoiding the Caribana parades.

I wish I was in NY or London, where a free weekend would translate into 3 shows
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