I feel stroppy today

Jun 13, 2007 10:45

I want to hop up and down and stamp my foot and shriek "I don't want to go to the eye doctor today!" If I wasn't at work I might do so.  But I'd look pretty silly at my age.

Eye doctors are evil. I know my vision sucks. I know it's gotten worse. I know they can't do anything to help me. So why do I have to go through this every two years? I don't get it.

I hope people post lots of lovely fic today (yes that was a hint) to keep me distracted, because once I get those stupid drops in my eyes, I wont be able to read or write anything all evening. I will sit at home pouting with my eyes shut feeling very childish. And there may need to be ice cream for dinner, if I can see well enough to navigate the store and purchase some.

I would like today to be over.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled lives.
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