Yay for SPN 5x09

Nov 13, 2009 20:32

Other than being a brilliant episode, it's given me three plot bunnys to work with. One of which is today's offering.

Title - Convention Confusion.
Fandom - Supernatural
Characters - Castiel, Damien, Barnes.
Rating - U
Disclaimer - I make no money from this. I get nada. This is all Kripke's stuff that I'm borrowing for a bit. *bows down*

“Excuse me. I’m looking for Sam and Dean Winchester.”

The man behind the desk rolled his eyes.

“Great, another one. Look, I’ve had enough of you people this weekend. Just go over to the bar and leave me alone. Unlike some people, I have a proper job to do.”

“Thank you for your time.”


Castiel waked over to the bar. Or at least what the sign said was the bar.

“Did I hear you say you’re looking for Sam and Dean Winchester?” The plump man and his friend looked at Castiel strangely.

“Yes, do you know where I can find them?”

Dude, you do know they’re not real?”

He tilted his head.

The two looked at each other. “Do you think this is another part of the game, Barnes?”

“Could be. Guy seems pretty method.”

“Or maybe, his friends are here and they’re LARPing so he’s been told not to call them by their real names or something.”

“We should’ve thought of that.”

“Next year.” They both nodded and turned back to face Castiel.

“Can you be more specific? Lot of guys here going by those names.”

“I didn’t realise the names were commonplace.”

“It’s not that. You do know where you are don’t you?”


“Then you know that most of the people here are LARPing as Sam and Dean.”

“What is this LARPing that you speak of?”

“Duh, Live Action Role Play. You know, where people pretend to be the characters from something. In this case, the books.”

“Whose books?”

“What do you mean, ‘Whose books?’. Carver Edlund’s books, moron.”


The pieces were falling into place for Castiel.

“The gospel.”

“The what?”

“Never mind. If there are many imposters, I must find all who are here and ask them individually.” He looked at the two men, who were now looking very confused. “Thank you for your time.”

Castiel turned and walked away.

“Who was he anyway?”

“No idea. Oh, did I tell you about this rumour I heard?”

“Which one?”

“The one about angels coming into the books.”


“Yeah. Apparently one of them’s gonna be a real important character. Word is, he’s called ‘Castiel’”

supernatural, absi-wri-mo, fic

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