Apr 30, 2009 10:52
Nice comment on class from Sam Leith in the Grauniad today, responding to Kate Winslet's proclamations that she is 'working class':
"Readers of right-wing papers sneer at "chavs" and "the underclass", while on ostensibly liberal internet forums, the term "middle-class" is routinely used not as if it were a description, but an accusation.
"Public-school twit" - again, essentially, picking up on a decision that was made for said twit at the age of 12 or 13 - is regarded as a knockdown blow, too. "I hate your parents, whoever they are," would be more accurate, though it doesn't seem to have the same force in a debate."
I'll remember that next time someone uses 'chavvy' or 'middle class' as ammunition...