Sugar producers are
suing the corn industry over high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS, also known as glucose-fructose in Canada). Essentially, the corn folks are saying that HFCS is nutritionally and metabolically exactly the same as sugar, and the sugar folks are saying, "Um, no it's not!" It's further exacerbated by the corn lobby's move to relabel HFCS as "corn sugar", something which the sugar people really take exception to due to potential confusion among consumers, and which the FDA has already
warned the corn lobby about. The sugar lobby says that HFCS is linked to the high rates of obesity and diabetes, while the corn people claim that they're no more to blame than the sugar producers. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out in court, assuming it ever gets there.
As an aside, someone needs to tell the corn lobby that there's already something called
corn sugar, as anyone who's ever brewed
beer at home should be able to tell them.