When hacktivists get hacked (Coming up next on Fox!)

Mar 02, 2012 08:03

News today from Symantec that members of "hacktivist" group Anonymous may have themselves been hacked, exposing them to the risk of revealing e-mail logins or even Internet banking credentials.

It seems that some clever monkey has modified the group's PasteBin guide (which members use to download and install their "Slowloris" denial-of-service tool) to download the Zeus trojan (a relatively sophisticated and difficult-to-remove package which leaks all your personal information) first, then cover its tracks by downloading and installing the real tool.

This places Anonymous in a somewhat awkward spot - usually, they have no use for the "white hat" security firms like Symantec, but in this case they pretty much have to agree with the corporation's warning.

I don't suppose this would make any of them reconsider their life of cyber-crime, though? Didn't think so.

security, computers, internet, crime, technology

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