
Oct 26, 2010 07:52

Around this time last year, I was hoping 8 o'clock would hurry up and come around, because that's when my doctor came back on duty. I knew I wouldn't have to deliver with the on-call doctor, which made me happy. I'd been having contractions for over 24 hours by then, and in the hospital for about 18. It would be another 6 before we'd decide on a c-section and Katie would join us. Those hours are very hazy in my memory, and they are right about how you forget about the pain. (Though I never really got to the truly painful part, and I had an epidural.)

I have pictures to remind me of the baby I brought home three days later, but the little girl sitting at my feet drinking orange juice and watching NickJr bears little resemblance to that tiny, magical baby. She's got opinions and personality now, and there have been so many "firsts" I've lost count of them all. She's been walking for nearly a month, and she seems to be talking even if we don't understand the words. She has 8 teeth and cutting them is no longer the ordeal (for either of us) it once was. She makes om-nom noises when she's hungry or eating and growls happily at the people she likes.

I spent nearly 2 years wishing for a baby, but I never realized how short a time period I could actually have one. Katie is wonderful, and so much more than I imagined, but she is definitely not a baby. So much happens and changes in the first year; all I could do was sit by and watch in awe. I remember reading about all the daily growth and development while I was pregnant, and now I wonder why I thought that would slow down just because she was no longer attached.

I didn't breastfeed a full year the way I intended, but looking at those many teeth, I do not regret weaning her at 9-10 months. Her growth certainly hasn't suffered! It was definitely rough in the first few months, but I am glad now I stuck with it. It got easier, stopped hurting so much, and once she had other things to eat it wasn't as much as a drain on me either. It was a lot easier once I stopped worrying about schedules and fore/hind milk. Proper latch and positioning was a huge deal in the beginning, and became less and less of an issue until I didn't think of it at all.

All in all, it's been a very good year, and I've loved learning how to be Katie's mom. There have been a lot of tough days and things I wished I could change or do better, but we've both come through unscathed. I'm looking forward to the coming year with Kate the Toddler and all the challenges it will bring.
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