So many things to do...

Apr 03, 2010 00:10

 This week flew by...I'm really surprised that it's Friday

I have two main reactions to it being friday:

and this:

The first reaction because it's Friday and I'll be able to catch up on some badly needed sleep. Ugh I never can get enough of that. The second reaction because I gotta work and I have to start on my final papers for four of my classes. UGH FML three of the papers are going to wind up being 5-6 pages longs and they are all research. Two of them are for one class but thankfully only reading is involved and a clear opinion with sufficient back up is needed. I just need to start them all. 

And also getting a visa to go somewhere sucks. The application I'm trying to fill out isn't clear enough and I've called the consulate and email them I alway wind up getting the lady I need to talk to's answering machine and a lack of responses in my email. I really REALLY hate emailing people. Don't promise to respond within the same business day if you don't plan on doing so. It makes me crazy:

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