Cinderella's Sister @ work

Apr 25, 2010 05:44

I was get the urge to write one of these things whenever I feel an array of emotions and whenever I'm at work since work is usually pretty uneventful and I'm busily either trying(sometimes failing sometimes I'm rather successful) to study, write last minute papers, or watching dramas. Tonight I'm attempting to study and so far I've been really bad about it because I was watching my drug that is Cinderella's Sister.

 I loved him so much here. *squeals*
(Btw that's the first gif I ever made, I think it came out pretty good ^.^)
Jung Woo you loveable man. I never root for the other guy like he's fated to become, but right now KiHoon is pissing me the hell off by spending so much damn time with that annoying HyoSun bitch.   She's really obnoxious and I hate how sometimes I feel bad for her because she officially went on my shit list when she kept the letter from EunJoo. However, most of the time I just wish she didn't talk so much because most of the people she talks to don't really respond to her because there probably like I am, "Why is this bitch talking(whining), maybe if I don't respond she will get the hint"  But she doesn't...
I'm really curious how the show is going to play out because I think the father going to die but I don't know when and I'm wondering if we'll finally see footage from the MV that came out before the show because if so I'm excited.
This show is something I shouldn't probably watch at work either because there are moment in it that make me tear up and a couple weeks ago I was watching episode 4 at work and I was in tears and someone came to my desk at that moment. It was really embarrassing. But at work is the best time to watch it. I mean a nine hours shift it's either this or studying and I hate studying. I'm so sick and tired of school. This semester felt so long. Never again will I take a class that involves Art History or Ethics because it just bores me. Or at least the professors I had this semester bored me. Blargh.

work, drama llama, procastination

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