Nov 02, 2010 18:35
This is what my job does to me:
me: Wow
this dealership gives complimentary manicures
Cecily: huh
me: Ron Tonkin Acura
Cecily: that's weird
me: While you wait for your car
Do they groom your dog too?
Cecily: probably
me: powder your bottom?
Cecily: lovely
Cecily: well, of course
I just got another Imogen Heap album for $4. Niiiice.
6 minutes
Cecily: Facebook is posting videos of Bear completing the challenges given to him by these other athletes.
There have been two so far. I haven't watched them yet.
I have to remember. I wish I could bookmark them somehow.
me: Maybe they give you therapeutic massages that make you so relaxed that you FART! And you're so dazed that you have no idea how much they're screwing you over!
Cecily: uh....yeah
Cecily: that's a rather round about way
you're crazy
Now, onto other things...
Aw. I'm getting all schmoopy for NaNoWriMo now. I determined months ago that I wouldn't be participating this year, because I needed to concentrate on my current projects rather than create an entirely new one... again.
But I'm still getting the e-mails from the local Portland group I belong to and the national one. I'm definitely going to miss that rush. There's an incredible high when you're creating something completely new out of your brain. Well, that's true at least for me. It's an even bigger rush when you're doing it fast. Yeah. I'm going to miss NaNo this year. :( Good luck to those of you who are participating. :)
Writing is a very unique thing. I remember when I was a kid and Star Trek TNG was currently airing (Those were the days, weren't they? *gazes off into the distance like a ninny*) and the first time I ever wanted to go into acting/movies/television and so on was wishing I could be one of those security officers on the Enterprise that normally get taken out within the first five minutes of someone calling for security. (Like in "The Best of Both Worlds" that one officer that gets taken out by Locutus himself in Data's lab. How awesome is that?! Or one of the sickly people who gets to have Dr. Crusher wave her tricorder over.)
I wanted to be an extra on Star Trek. Because it would be awesome. Then, my little fourth grader brain figured out something. There was no way I could be on Star Trek... because I wore glasses. Nobody wears glasses on Star Trek. It's the future. Glasses are obsolete. So, depressed and defeated, I ditched that idea until I came up with another one. If I was a Borg extra, maybe they could implement my glasses into the cyborg crap all over me!
Later on, when I took myself more seriously, which was a mistake by the way, I honestly considered attempting to be an actress. It was the only way I could come into contact with everything I enjoyed. No, I had no idea how much work it would be, or how the odds were stacked up against me to the height of the Empire State building. I simply and irrationally wanted to do it.
Then, another thing hit me. Not only did I have glasses. I was chubby, I had freckles, I was short (amongst other things). It was time for a different plan.
That's when I got more into drawing. I enjoyed it. It's very calming, listening to music and making smooth strokes across the paper with a pencil or charcoal. I still do it from time to time, but unlike any successful artist, I lacked patience with my work. (Charcoal was my favorite medium because I could slap a little on the paper and then smear it all around so everything was covered within a few seconds.)
The entire time I was ignoring my brain.
I have an overactive imagination, you could say. For example: The moment I meet an individual I find attractive and would like to get to know better my brain takes the moment and runs with it. Completely without my permission! Without my wanting it to, my brain begins to come up with different and pleasing scenarios with this person. This can go on for some weeks.
I'd hear a phrase, or hear the description of a person and immediately insert that into a world inside my brain with made up dialogue and story.
That's just an example.
At first, I tried suppressing this weird habit my brain had gotten itself into without consulting me first. I didn't like it. It drove me nuts, especially when it would go off with real people in there just willy-nilly.
Then, a short time after The Phantom Menace came out. I had a colossal loathing for Natalie Portman, and Obi-Wan was hot. So, my brain started. But, this time, I wrote it down. What I never realized was that my brain was coming up with stories constantly, since I was a kid, and I didn't realize it until about eleven years ago.
Little did I understand the power writing gave to me. Instead of being only one aspect in creating the story, the director, the set designer, the actor, art director and so on. I could be everything. I was the actress, the writer, the producer, everything! And I had an unlimited budget.
This whole idea wasn't really applied until I started writing for myself, not as tag-alongs (Yummy!) for stories written by other people. (Even though I knew for a fact that my dialogue was better.) Even though what I was writing was complete and utter CRAYAP ("Who says the word "expunged" in normal conversation? NOBODY!" - me) it gave something for my brain to focus on. And I haven't completely ignored that first story. It's an enormous project. If I ever got into it, it would most likely be my epic trilogy. (As far as I can write anything "epic" that is.)
I also think that's why I've stuck with writing for so long. I've stuck with it longer than I have with anything else I've been interested in. It keeps my brain occupied, gives me a little focus. I also theorize that it does, indeed, keep me sane.
Anyway, good luck NaNoWriMo writers! Have a blast. :)
All right, I think I'm done. Back to Draft #4!
star trek,
star wars,