Yes he is leaving. But cheer up! It's nowhere near the end of the Universe. :D

Oct 30, 2008 11:42

I'm kind of feeling how I imagine Craig Ferguson felt when the news that Clay Aiken had come out of the closet started buzzing around about the news we just heard yesterday that David Tennant is definitely leaving Doctor Who.
People are upset by the news and that's understandable I suppose. It's the genuine shock from people that I don't understand. Like the news with Clay Aiken it's one of those things where it was only a matter of time. lol

But! I've decided to organize the thoughts about this. So here we go:

Pros & Cons of David Tennant Leaving Doctor Who
- No more #10 cynical and busted angst that makes fans want to rip their hearts out and give them to him to prove that he is loved. Seriously, I think he was getting close to retiring anyway because of all the crap that's happened to him. I think that's why I enjoyed 10.5 so much in the last episode. He was fresh, un-emo, and just happy to see everybody.

- A fresh start. New, new Doctor and new companion to be introduced to new adventures and new storyline. Fun, fun!

- With the new Doctor there will be interaction with old characters too and that is ALWAYS fun!

- Things will be simpler again. I remember thinking while going through this past season how I wished that were simple again with just The Doctor and Rose...and Jack sometimes.

- We'll also get to see David more outside of Doctor Who, playing different characters and *ahem* maybe coming over to the United States to make some fun blockbusters!
Hamlet was so spectacular!

- Well, there's just basically one con. David is leaving and we all know what that means. The dynamic of the show will change and we'll have to get used to it again just like we did when Christopher Eccleston left and we were stuck with this tall, skinny guy with the goofy grin. :P
But you know, I think we'll be okay.

I made dinner yesterday. I'm saying so because it's such a rare occurrence it needs to be documented. I made steak fajitas and I actually chopped up stuff and sauteed onions on the stove. Nothing makes you feel more like a cook than pushing around strips of onion in a frying pan.

Cecily and I carved our pumpkins last night as I previously posted. We sat in front of the TV and watched Top Model and then Myth Busters while we carved. The pumpkins were sitting on garbage bags on the floor so we didn't get any yucky innerds on anything.

Top Model-
NOOOoooo! Sheena! I was SO prepared to change my LJ layout because I could have sworn that they would boot Elina this time around! She. Is. Not. Improving. Sheena at least tries and has fun while trying.
Oh, Marjorie is SO toast next week. HAH! I know she's toast because A)She's a bundle of nerves and self destructing criticism. B)She does not know how to walk or even stand up straight. C)She doesn't know how to talk to people.
Next week is the booking jobs challenge and she will suck it up! Muuuaaah! Her face is always the same in her photos too. I just noticed that yesterday.

Loved the pirate wench shoot though. So fun!

Right now I'm just waiting for it to be midnight on November 1st. My friend from church, Mandi is also doing NaNo and she was planning to sort of fly by the seat of her pants with writing this (I do it all the freaking time.) until she saw my post on facebook with some of my characters and their outlines. So she's preparing her story a little more so she won't get discouraged part way through.
I only recommend writing by the seat of your pants in fan fiction. You don't have to worry about as many things as when you're writing original stuff.

So I know three people who are just twitching to start, including myself.

I'm also excited for the weekend because it's Halloween and I'm going to a costume party. It is also the weekend. Duh!

Yay! A Halloween The Office tonight!

doctor who, nanowrimo, list, halloween, david tennant

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