(no subject)

Oct 04, 2006 21:38

Aaaah! It was so pleasant, walking out to my car and eating my sandwich when it started to drizzle and the the sun came out a little bit. I'm SO happy it's fall! *does happy fall dance*

I'm partially watching Lost right now and it's just a dead feeling that comes over me when it comes to that show now. House and Heroes are much more satisfying week to week than this show has ever been. I liked the mystery and suspense and all that in the first season but it is now getting extremely old and obnoxious. I'm only happy that Anna Lucia is dead. I don't even like Jack anymore. Meh!

Anyway, I actually am starting to learn how to take payments 'n stuff at work. I think that's the last thing I need to learn to do but it's going to be a long process because of how gorram paranoid they all are about money, and rightly so, but it is a little ridiculous. But it was busier and I actually have stuff waiting for me tomorrow morning. That's kind of nice.
No annoying stuff today though. I think someone may have talked to him.

Welp! I've got to go to bed soon so I think I'm going to write a little beforehand. I've got a meeting tomorrow night and I've got to go out to the boonies to find the place where the meeting's at *rolls eyes* It'll probably be just me and Natalie there, which will be bad because she....talks...once she gets going.

Speaking of writing, in my writers LJ group I've been reading a few disappointing stories and irritating things happening when it comes to getting your book published and I can't help but think what on EARTH will my story have that those don't to get it published? It's just not very encouraging, to say the least. And yet, I keep going *shrugs*

Isn't this Nathan icon adorable?! It matches my desktop.

seasons, lost

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