May 01, 2006 05:44
I don't have to compare everything in my life to other people.
Other people's opinions matter only in certain aspects, not who I am as a person.
I am very judgemental, in the bad way.
Fatalism is such a horrible idea.
I wish bridges were flame proof.
I like the phrase "Why can't we all just get along?"
So...why don't we just get along? I mean...I guess harmony is a big idea to me.
Being in Iraq isn't so bad for me. I have it alot better than some of the guys and gals here.
I'm unhappy with my physique. So lets go work out and run.
I quite smoking. Its been like...two weeks? I dunno, don't even think about it...except now...and now...and now...doh! :-D
Its cool to have so many viewpoints. I can go to so many different folks and see how they see it, read this book, go to that verse, and so on. How did I ever wake up with just my view and the churches view and not trip?
EVBC isn't a horrible church. Just not for me...I need a smaller church. I wonder...nah, kinda shooting in the dark to guess things about heaven.
I miss my friends. I even miss my old friends who aren't my friends anymore.
Love is a powerful thing.
I often use dating and marriage (the idea of the latter) as excuses. For what? To love. I have to catch myself thinking "I'll commit myself to loving someone when I am married..." which is a good thing, but now is the time to love. Now is the time to rise up and help our fellow man.
I think alot of Christians are ill equipped to help out troubled believers. I asked so many questions about my faith and few seemed wanting to answer. I really wish I would have just spoke up at the Paasch's (sp?) Maybe they could have helped.
If you can help, why is Christianity a trustworthy faith? What makes the Bible a reliable source? Or do I just choose to believe it, like I do now, without much of a ground to do so?