Level 4 [Action]

Dec 21, 2010 12:18

[Almaz was a rather dutiful worker, after all it was easy to just do what people ask you to. He didn't rock the boat, and he didn't ask too many questions. He really didn't want to know too much about some of the things here, they gave off that feeling of ask too many questions and something dark and sinister would happen to you. So, instead he ( Read more... )

adjusting a bit too well, comics!, fanboy at heart

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justiceinamask December 22 2010, 12:46:52 UTC
[My, my, that is one unstable pile of stuff. Isn't Almaz just terribly lucky that someone big and strong showed up out of nowhere, who also just so happens to have a helpful streak? His voice might seem to come from nowhere, though, with that pile being as huge and unwieldy as it is.]

Hey, do you need some help with those? This place is pretty icy, y'know.

[From Almaz's left side, Flay's hair comes into view, followed by his face as he approaches, a friendly enough grin on his face. He hasn't talked to Flay yet, and it's not like he doesn't act however he wants to AS the Flayvor of Evil anyway...]


abravelikehero December 22 2010, 22:13:37 UTC
[Almaz was pretty unstable, and easily surprised. Flay's sudden arrival did startle him and caused him to jump, dropping everything around him.]

Ah! Um... I think I might. Thank you very much sir.

[He stoops down to start gathering everything up again.]


justiceinamask December 22 2010, 23:03:25 UTC
[He snorts, apparently forgetting that he is in big boy clothes a suit. Shaking his head, he kneels down to pick up some of Almaz's treasures.]

'Sir' makes me feel old - I just graduated high school anyway. Call me Flay.

[In his arms, broad as they are, the massive pile seems much less cumbersome.]

What about you? What do I call you, kid?

[... Admittedly, it feels somehow nice to feel able to call someone "kid" and not be wrong about it.]


abravelikehero December 22 2010, 23:16:08 UTC
[He calls everyone sir, though now he has to look at Flay more closely. The man looks older than him yet to only just graduate....]

Thank you mis- Flay. My name is Almaz, Almaz von Almandine Adamant!

If you just graduated high school... can I ask you how old you are?


justiceinamask December 23 2010, 06:57:12 UTC
[That is what happens when one is a slacker, of course. He grins at the introduction, then shrugs. Hey, he had a reason(ish) to flunk... t-the... last time. Kind of. Maybe.]

Twenty-one, why? Nice to meet you, Almaz!


abravelikehero December 23 2010, 07:05:36 UTC
T-t-twenty one!? How can someone three years older than me just graduate high school....?

[He was shocked, but only for a moment. After all, this was a nice person helping him out!]

Did you just arrive? I don't think I've seen you before. Not that I've seen everyone here or anything.


justiceinamask December 23 2010, 07:24:12 UTC
Hm? Is there something wrong with that? I just got bored with my classes and failed, is all!

[Maybe more shocking is the fact that he's comfortable saying that.]

Yes. This place is pretty weird, even by my standards! I wish it wasn't so boring, though. [He frowns for a moment, thoughtful] But then, once I start getting some stuff back and reassembling my Organization... ah well. I'll find a way to have an exciting life, haha! [Tangents? Flay? Never! He'll turn his gaze back to Almaz now, though.] What about you? Been here long?


abravelikehero December 23 2010, 07:50:37 UTC
You would make a good demon probably....

Organization? And please don't say such things! When things happen... they're far too interesting!

[The turkey.... the turkey! He's lost in his own memories until he realizes he was asked a question.]

Me? Um... about a month I guess, maybe a bit more.


justiceinamask December 23 2010, 08:18:39 UTC
What?! How do you figure that?

Yes. The organization I started to oppose Number Two. [He frowns at the idea of "too interesting"] That isn't possible! The only thing not worth having is a boring life! Facing an interesting life head-on, no matter how difficult the life or situation, is the only worthwhile way of life!

[He'd babble forever, except that his question's been answered.]

Aha. So not as long as Number Two... interesting. [What is he compiling this information for? ... Who knows?] So, all these books - [He spies the hero-centric covers, and can't help but grin a little.] - are you studying to be a hero, or is this just a hobby?


abravelikehero December 23 2010, 08:24:44 UTC
They're main rule is to not go to class....

N-no I think a boring life is just fine! I mean... a simple normal life.... Though, it would be nice to have the life of a hero, where they go around and save everyone.... You keep saying number two....

Eh? Um... um... these!? Hahaha.... well, since I'm here, I thought, I thought it would be nice to read about the heroes here. Back home I have all the games and comics and figures and light novels... so, it seemed to only make sense to get things while here. I mean, I don't know if I can really study at this point, especially if I don't have my hero title....


justiceinamask December 23 2010, 14:22:02 UTC
I only skipped class on days when it was boring, though.

A boring life is simply unacceptable! Going to the same place at the same time day after day - that's a horrible affront to what life should be like! Yes, a hero's life would be much more interesting - saving maidens, beating up monsters, defeating your nemesis and attaining the title of Hero of Justice - that's something to work toward! Number Two is the Defender of Justice I mentored, of course!

[He seems really enthusiastic about that point, at least]

.... Hmph. Is that so? So you're trying to become a hero back home, but not here, just because you don't have a title? Studying, and training, and learning about justice and heroism comes long before you attain the title of "hero" - do you think most of these heroes just started out that way, loved by everyone and well-known?! [He hefts up the stack of books contained in one hand, then, with little effort.] Of course not! They found a mentor, or learned skills on their travels, or were given some kind of power to defeat their ( ... )


abravelikehero December 23 2010, 22:29:19 UTC
Ah! But I studied everything! I even have the special edition reprint comic anthologies! And I did have a title, even if I made it myself. How am I suppose to be a hero if my class isn't hero? There's not much I can do if it gets stolen... and, and I don't have any of my levels here either so it's like I'm back to square one....


justiceinamask December 26 2010, 14:11:45 UTC
[That is some mighty strong disapproval in Flay's expression, right there.]

If you've got the fire of justice, then there's nothing anyone can do to take that from you! A title is something you should give yourself, or something you earn from those you trust, not something that can be "stolen." Any true hero knows this!

As for your levels, starting over could be a good thing! At least you didn't lose a scar, too... Just work diligently and let your own strengths shine through, and it'll all turn out okay!

[It's all frilly words and forceful tone, but Flay doesn't care - he never did, after all. If someone believes enough, then anything can be true, in his mind.]


abravelikehero December 27 2010, 21:22:11 UTC
But it was, my class was completely changed and now I don't have one at all!

Work back up... you're right! I shouldn't let that stop me, I should go and grind until I've gained them all back!


justiceinamask January 3 2011, 21:08:32 UTC
That's this place, I think... I mean, I have a scar on my nose, y'know? This place is weird.

Exactly! Grind until you feel confident, then make them realize you deserve your title! That's the best way to go about it!


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