Whump Challenge 15

Jul 10, 2011 22:12

The challenge this week was to make 5 whump icons and/or write 5 whump drabbles of exactly 100 words each.

Whump One

The pain burned through his skin like white hot flames. He could feel everything that touched his skin; his shirt, his socks, his hair. Thousands of tiny pinpricks of flame danced over his body causing him to writhe in agony. His movement only served to make the pain worse, but he couldn’t help it. He had to try to get away from it.

He heard a soothing voice through the pain. “Just a pinprick Colonel and you will feel much better.”

This small pain made all the other pain go away. He could finally sleep in peace. And he did.

Whump Two

John Sheppard hated being helpless. He hated depending on others. He was the one who was supposed to help people.

Today he was the one in need. He had to admit that and it frustrated him. He knew that no one would make fun of him or think less of him. He knew his Team would be there for him no matter what.

Trying once more, he reached out to grab the bar that would set him free. His arm, shaking with weakness, strained to stretch as far as it could.

Falling back in exhaustion, he simply said “Help me!”

Whump Three

He could feel the blood seeping down his side. It worried him that he didn’t feel any pain, just the warmth of his life soaking into his clothes.

His eyes closed as his head drifted back to lean against the cool wall. Pushing with his hand on the pressure bandage over the wound, he breathed deeply.

His thoughts turned to his friends and his life. He wasn’t ready to give up on getting back home. His team would get to him in time. He knew it. He just had to wait it out.

He would do just that for them.

Whump Four

Darkness began to fade to grey. Voices began to emerge from the buzz of sound around him. Warmth replaced the coldness in his body.

“Colonel, I need you to wiggle your fingers if you can hear me,” whispered a voice in his ear.

He tried. Did he succeed? He wasn’t sure.

“Oh come on…..move those damn fingers!” This voice was different from the first. It reminded him of where he wanted to be.

He tried harder to move his fingers.

“See I knew he was just being lazy,” smirked the second voice.

John Sheppard smiled. He was safe at Home!

Whump Five

She was gone. That shouldn’t have happened. She had been right there in front of him; depending on him to bring her home safely. Instead, she had made it possible for him to make it home and now she was gone.

The breeze off the balcony ruffled his unkept hair as he stood staring out to sea. He felt as lost as the one lone cloud drifting through the night sky.

Standing up straighter, fists clenching, he vowed to do his absolute best to bring her home. It was her home and she belonged here even more than he did.


atlantis, fan fic, whump, challenges

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