[Buffy is well on her way to drunk about now. She's been sitting at the bar for a little while, taking shots of whiskey with the determination of someone who is fully intending on getting completely wasted. Anyone in the pub during this time would notice that she absolutely loathes the taste of liquor, but continues to drink it anyway. Buffy decides that right now would be the perfect time for a public network announcement of great drunken wisdom. So she turns on her communicator to video and picks it up to face her. Her voice is slurred but easily understood.]
Ya'know what? Life.. is stupid. This space-boat is even stupider. [She sort of loses grip on her communicator, it wobbles a little before she catches it and readjusts the view back to her face and not the floor.] But unlike some people? I'm not gonna just leave. That's so lame. [And she seems to forget she's recording, because she puts the communicator down. It still has a great view of her, if slightly crooked. So Buffy
takes another shot and accompanies her extravagant facial reaction with her own sound effects.] Bleehhhgrraaahuggh! ..Eugh.
[She pauses, looking at the shot glass thoughtfully, and mumbles:] Huh. Who needs a stupid deal. Maybe I'll just rob a bank instead.
((OOC: Buffy has decided for like the third time in her life to drown her sorrows in alcohol. Open to SPAM, or trolling, or anything! But be warned! She is only going to get more drunk. Any people she does not like, be warned in approaching her in person. I have no problem with it, but drunk!Buffy is a mite unpredictable. :| ))