Jul 18, 2003 17:47
So Kobe Bryant has been charged with sexual assault.....wow.
This is an important case, but not just because he is a hugely famous basketball player....this taps into the heart of a huge problem in society right now.
For a long time, we lived in a society where if a woman was violated, she was mocked, ridiculed, doubted, and treated terribly if she tried to bring her attacker to justice. Laws and social standards have long since changed that (in most cases). Now, we live in a time of being guilty until proven innocent.
Parents used to tell their daughters to be careful walking alone at night and never go somewhere alone with a guy you don't know. Now, Parents have to tell their sons to be careful who they spend time alone with, and be careful who you gave sex with, and even be careful what you say, because at any given time you can be accused of sexual assault of harrassment. And once you are accused, whether you are found guilty or innocent is in no way relevant to your reputation being clean.
You think this never happens?? Just a few years ago, here at UF, some girls got really wasted at a frat party, and screwed a bunch of guys. Later, they felt bad about being such a whore, so they decided to file rape chargs. The investigation eventually turned up evidence in the form of surveillence videos taken of the party that showed very willing and able girls getting their drunk jollies, clearing the frat of rape charges, but unfortunately landing them on probation because of the underage drinking and drug use also visible in the tape.
I'm a tutor. I have to have a standing policy that if I am working with a student, especially a female student, I must either meet them in a public place or work with them when their parents are home, just to cover my ass, because you never know when someone is going to start telling stories.
Back to the bryant case.....from what I have heard, they have DNA evidence that Kobe had sex with this woman, but what they don't have is any evidence that it was forced sex. That means it is he said/she said. This trial will be won and lost according to reputation.
If he did it, I hope they find good evidence and he rots in jail, but if there is nothing but one persons word against another's, I hope they clear him of the charges....think about the consequences if they don't. That would set a dangerous precedent, guys....anyone you ever sleep with could turn around and have you locked away for a LOOOONG time. That scares the shit out of me.
Also, it seems obvious that this is the end of Kobe Bryant as a respected person. even if he is cleared of charges, many in the public will never respect him again, and I'll bet you he has lost all of his endorsements by the end of the week. This guy is screwed (wat a bad pun).
anyway, there is my rant of the day. I'm sure a lot of people will think me an ass for not being more sympathetic towards women's plights. I guess the fact that I am not one gives me that perogative. As a guy, i am too busy watching my own ass.