nose in the books

Mar 31, 2007 15:49

I'm making progress on the book report on Colapinto that's due tomorrow. I thought the boys would be hanging out here today, but they're not and so that's given me the better part of the afternoon to work on school assignments without taking additional time away from my sweetie. I just need a break for a few minutes.

I got my mid-term evaluation in the Digital Info class (the one where we have NO grades yet so we don't know how we're doing). According to my professor I've got a B+ right now, however, he claimed I didn't do one assignment, which isn't the case, so here's to hoping that pushes me into the lower A's. Then it's not such a stretch to get another 4.0 this term. Fuck, I'm such an overachiever. And the worst is that I'll cry when I get anything less...just like the little nerd I am.

I received an email today with my updated course grid and a reminder that registration for summer and fall begins on the 9th. I can't believe it's here already...and what's great is watching the list of courses needed rapidly shrinking. I need my advisor to answer a few questions regarding the timing of the enrollment plans for the upcoming semester because I really haven't racked up enough in savings to pay for tuition and books outright.

Right now, though, here's what I'm shooting for:

Summer (6 credits)
-Computer Fundamentals and Applications [CIS 101]
-Modern Art in the City [ART 210]

Fall (9 credits)
-Mass Communication [CC406]
-Communication and Cultural Change [CC409]
-Ethnology of Africa [AFRS 101]

I currently have 72 credits with 9 in progress, so a total of 81 at the end of this semester. If I take the schedule above, that means I'll complete another 15 credits this year, putting me at 96 before the year is done. Leaving me with 27 credits to take across three semesters in 2008 before completing my B.A. (!!!)

Yikes, this means I really need to start thinking about what I want to do post-grad because I'll have to submit applications next year. And if law school is still on the table, I'll need to take the LSAT next spring.

ba, school, law school, education

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