I haven't posted here in a really long time - but I'm back! It feels good to be back :)
Before I forget, here's a link to our photos on flickr:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/alisonwestermann/sets/859334/ I had the most incredible time at our wedding, for so many reasons! I remember all these different moments throughout the day, and I'm so grateful that my consciousness stayed in the moment because of all the memories I now get to look back on!
My favorites:
* The look on David's face when I walked through the doors at the back of the synagogue
* The voice of the rabbi as he talked about the love that David & I have for each other
* The voice of the cantor mixed with the voice of the rabbi while singing/reading the wedding blessings
* The tears and joy in the eyes of my parents all day long
* The wonderful dance with my new father-in-law when he told me, "Thank you for making my son so happy! We're so lucky to have you in our family!" (which makes me get all teary-eyed just recalling it!)
* Our very first dance as Mr & Mrs Westermann (I slipped all over the place in my shoes, but I don't think anyone noticed!)
* Steve's incredible best-man speech - eloquent, meaningful and so good! Thank you, Steve!
* Lauren's maid-of-honor speech - the tears and love from one sister to another :)
* Rock Candy!
* Luke, the cutest House baby yet (hehe)
* Finding out that the House is betting on when David and I will get pregnant, and that both sets of our parents want in! hahahahahaha!
* Dancing every dance, even if no one else did :)
The list could go on and on, quite honestly, but I'll end it there for now! The honeymoon was fantastic, if sunburned (not till Thursday night, though, and we flew back to IL on Saturday afternoon). Maui is a beautiful paradise, and I too was amazed at how bugless it was, and how they didn't even have storm doors or windows - everything really was just outdoors! I guess they have bad weather so rarely that it's not important to have buildings that close. Wow!
I'm really enjoying my work, but the commute is going to start to get to me, but not because it's long or a hassle. There are other people who get on at the stop in Arlington Heights that TALK so loud and so obnoxiously that I can't wait to get my Ipod Shuffle from BankOne (a reward for opening our joint checking account) because if I listen to them for one more minute, my brain will seriously turn to mush! *sigh* I am unusually impatient with stupid and insipid people... for example, there is a woman (young, probably still a college student?) that rides the train into Chicago from AH every morning. As soon as I see her, I make my way to the second car, because I can't stand listening to her talk! It's like listening to a bad SNL skit making fun of teenagers from California's "Valley" but she really thinks that everyone on the train wants to hear her wisdom, so she ratchets up the volume to "yelling across the street" voice. You can see why I'd want to get as far as possible from her.
I've also become really anti-social on the train - I ride an express train, so there aren't many people that get on after Arlington Heights (it only makes one more stop, in Mt Prospect, before going straight to Chicago). I have begun putting my bag on the seat next to me, the better to discourage other passengers from getting any ideas about sitting next to me. I don't know if this is me getting callous and uncaring, or what, but I really dislike sitting with other people or listening to other people's conversations. No wonder I see so many people with headphones. Where's my damn Ipod!?!