Ha, I know I just saw them...
and I plan to see them again...
but I can't believe that the next time could [hopefully] be so soon::
heh,....::crosses fingers:: let's hope they come back to Chicago, or go to Wisconsin, somewhere close. and this time, camera. no matter what. mmhm...
Oh, and with The Faint? even better.
My mom is going to this college thing tonight that Carmel is holding, some meeting to Junior parents, but anyway once again the realization that college is 2 years, more or less. I want to leave high school and yet I don't. And when I start looking at colleges, I get nauseas. There's one or two I really like right now and have looked into them, art schools. Not quite sure yet what exactly I want to pursue, but I know something in art, but I'll also take classes that are more ...practical I guess you could say.
...I'm at Dominicks picking up the last Daily Herald and then this guy and his son come and are looking for it, he sees I have it and asks what section I want, and I just say that I just want an article on one of my favorite bands (yes, thanks to Irene for pointing out, muaha) and he offers to buy the newspaper and just split the paper up since he just wants the sports. We agree and I end up just taking the first part of the Herald which on the back has the article and he takes the rest. I continously offered to split the cost (even though it's 50 cents...still, it was a complete stranger), but he was very nice and said it was alright, but if I ever saw him on the street and he needed one, I'd give him one.
It just made me smile I guess, how genuinely nice some people really are. How he didn't want the entire newspaper and offered to just split it. .....I don't know, just one of those good experiences that you don't easily forget, in a good way, make you smile.
If only the entire world were as genuinely nice as that man....::sigh::
...then it'd be alot easier to merge.
It snowed again today,...remember when it first snowed?
Everyone is under the weather, and I think I'm catching it :(. I hope all feel better.